What in the world is a Brazilian Wax?
A Brazilian wax removes the hair in the pubic region all the way to the rear. Unlike the bikini wax, you are able to go completely bare down there. However, you may opt to leave a small patch of hair if desired.
During a Manzilian wax, we remove all of the hair from the male bikini area, the scrotum, and the bootay strip. The Manzilian does not include the glutes, but will happily add that to your service if you wish.
Is getting a Brazilian painful?
We’ll be honest; it’s not the most comfortable experience especially the first time. We are removing a lot of coarse hair during the first visit – especially if you’ve been shaving. With repeat visits (including your very next visit), discomfort from waxing is greatly diminished. During return visits, there will be less hair to remove, thus less pain. You may also take ibuprofen about 30 min prior.
How long should my hair be before I wax?
For the best results, we strongly recommend three weeks of hair growth or for hair to be ¼ inches long at the time of your treatment. If the hair is too short, we’ll have to ask you to reschedule. Proper hair length will allow our estheticians to perform the best service with lasting results. Facial hair does not need to be ¼ inches long to perform services.
How often should I wax?
It is recommended that you return every three-five weeks for body and Brazilian waxing. For facial waxing, we recommend re-booking within three weeks. This timing is based on the 3 stages of hair growth.
Please note: The moment you shave or use Nair, you become a wax virgin again. Your third-time’s-a-charm waxing cycle restarts and you must wait until your third wax for the perfect waxing experience. Patience is key!
How should I care for my skin after waxing?
After your treatment we apply oil formulated to soothe the skin. You may be red for about 30 min, following your treatment. If the redness does not go away, applying some hydro-cortisone cream can help. Do not tan or swim after your service. After 48 hours it’s highly recommended that you exfoliate twice a week using our ingrown hair products.
Will I have ingrown hairs?
Unfortunately some people experience ingrown hairs due to hair texture and growth patterns. It’s important to exfoliate in conjunction with using a product designed to eliminate ingrown hair. Our estheticians are trained to recommend an optimal aftercare routine.
How should I prepare for my wax appointment?
Gentle exfoliation will allow for the dead skin that may be trapping the hair shaft to come to the surface of the skin. If you have a low pain tolerance, take an aspirin or ibuprofen 30 min prior to you appointment to reduce discomfort. Also, wear comfy undies, you don’t want super tight clothing irritating your freshly waxed sweet spot!
What type of wax do you use?
We utilize an all-natural, custom blended hard wax (strip free) that was designed with comfort and accuracy in mind. Clients with sensitive skin can enjoy a waxing service with minimal discomfort due to our expertly trained team, and amazing wax.
I’m pregnant! Can I get waxed?
Will my skin experience a reaction?
Yes, possibly. The upper lip, back and chest are all areas that are prone to breakouts. If you have a tendency towards ingrown hairs and irritation from shaving, you are more likely to have the same reactions waxing, although dramatically decreased. To minimize skin reactions, you MUST use proper home care and come to get waxed on a regular schedule. All in all, come in like clockwork, every 3-5 weeks, exfoliate your skin and moisturize. This will help set you up for waxing success!
When is waxing not recommended?
If you are using Retin-A, Accutane, glycolic acid or other topical skin exfoliation medications at the time of your appointment (or within the last four months). Using these chemicals prior to waxing can cause the skin to lift. Waxing following a nasty sunburn or laser peel is also not recommended.
I am on my menstrual cycle, do I need to rebook my Brazilian/Bikini wax?
It is possible to get waxed during your menstrual cycle. However, if you have a low tolerance for pain it is best to refrain three days before and during your cycle. Changes in hormone can cause slight sensitivity. If you decide to wax during your cycle, please freshen up and wear a clean tampon before your service.
What should I avoid after a waxing service?
Do not get extremely sweaty, or sunbathe for at least 24- 48 hours after your treatment. Tanning after your treatment can cause irritation and severe burns.
- No sex, swimming pool, hot tubs or sauna for 24 hours after waxing.
- Keep hair follicles clean by showering immediately after exercise.
- Apply hair inhibitor ampules and ingrown hair serum.
- Gently exfoliate 2-3 days a week with the body polish kit and gloves.
I have a piercing.
Awesome. We can work around your piercing if you aren’t able to remove it. The cool thing about our wax is that it only adheres to hair.
Do you double dip?
Absolutely not! Wax Unique is committed to providing a clean and sanitary environment. We take our No Double Dipping Policy seriously and always use a clean applicator when dipped into wax. After the wax is applied to your skin, the applicator is discarded and a new applicator is used.
Do rates include gratuity? Are we allowed to tip our esthetician?
Rates do not include gratuity, but are greatly appreciated. Treat yourself and purchase homecare for continued success. We love your referrals and online reviews on Google, Yelp, and Facebook.